Wednesday, September 23, 2020

REVIEW: "I Belong in Your Arms" by Charlift

There's a whole lotta different love songs out there, cataloging the different stages of love and the feelings that accompany them.

"I Belong in Your Arms" by Charlift definitely encapsulates those early stages when you realize (or maybe not) that you're falling in love.

It's buoyant, floating in midair, with moments of brightness, but it's also a little out of control. That frenetic energy mirrors perfectly that feeling of helplessly falling for someone. 

The random lyrics and imagery invoke that feeling of being so infatuated, that your brain malfunctions, that you become tonguetied, because you're too dazzled. The only thing you can think, say, and want concretely is, "I belong in your arms."


  1. Thank you for this new addition to my playlist. That's a beautiful take on stages of love. Would you consider this what you are experiencing? I don't think I would be able to experience or observe this stage if I were not.

    Keep it up, your writing is always a wonderful take.


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