Wednesday, March 9, 2022

a history of hauntings pt 1

As emotional as I may seem to people, I am a fairly logical person.

I always defer to established facts and science, even for phenomena that might seem illogical at first glance.

When Melissa and I were discussing paranormal experiences a few weeks ago, I told her, truthfully, that I never had any.

Because I don't believe in the paranormal or spiritual world.

To me, any paranormal experience can be explained away by science. 

Seeing faces in the shadows? Pareidolia.

Hearing voices? Audio hallucinations.

Demonic possession? Mental illness.

Still, even though I can rationalize these experiences away, it doesn't make them any less unnerving. And to some people, I may even appear "haunted." And with the frequency I have experienced creepy shit, I can understand why.

So, I present to you, my history of "hauntings."

a history of hauntings pt 1

As emotional as I may seem to people, I am a fairly logical person. I always defer to established facts and science, even for phenomena that...